I’ll Be a Better Friend in a Few Years.

I used to be cool. I used to be up for spontaneous weekend trips away and staying out late with all of my best friends.  We had a blast dancing the night away with not a worry in the world.  And then I met my husband.  We were still pretty awesome and care free.  We did pub nights with friends and last minute trips around the Cabot Trail. And then we had a baby who is now a toddler and things changed.  Hey, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t go back; but damn, I used to be so cool.

When you become a parent, the word “cool” drastically changes its meaning. It went from being able to take 5 shots and still waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed, to making hilarious midnight shadow puppets and turning food into kick ass animals.  Continue reading

Why Every Dad is the Best Dad.

Dads. I can’t say enough about them.  They are pretty amazing beings and too often don’t get enough credit for all that they do; that’s why posts like these are so important!  There are so many reasons we should celebrate them because every dad is the BEST dad.

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